Study Circle Summaries 2018 - Sri Sathya Sai Center of Austin

Study Circle Summaries 2018

This is the list of Summaries of all Study circles held in 2018 by Date at the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Austin. Members, please feel free to read the summaries from the past study circles.

December 9th, 2018 :
Moderator : Shiva

Topic : Sathya Sai as a Poet 

Who is a poet?
* One who see beauty in everything
* Sun cannot see what Poets can see

One who is able to visualize past, present and future
Poet is divine Responsibility of Poet in today's life is to see divinity.

What is poetry? Message from Heart. It is hard to understand. True poetry is about God and is from God Himself.

Enjoy songs.. without importance to lyrics?

Both Sangeetham and Saahityam are important. e.g. "Arama chandra" story

Swami wrote the Bhagawan take our love - original version. Swami gave instructions on how to pray. Jesus gave Lord's prayer. Bhagawan take our love is our Lord's prayer.

Several words that Swami always often twists to convey different meaning were discussed.

What is difference between Poetry and Prayer - if any? Swami's poems are Universal.

Is there a link to Swami's compositions?

December 2nd, 2018 :
Moderator : Balaji G

Topic : Sai Parenting - Chapter II

What is Marriage?
* Marriage is a partnership
* Boat Analogy - You are travelling together for a short amount of time.
* What about Single parents? Decision by choice or not by choice to parent alone.

 How does it affect Parenting?
* Children look up to parent/s as models. Stable relationships helps in parenting.
* Teach sons and daughters on how to be respectful to their spouses

Sai says “Selflessness is God. To feel mine and thine is ego. It is to kill ego that two souls are brought together. They can learn to adjust to one another and forget their egos”

Remove Ego – cannot kill ego completely. If you can completely eliminate ego you are one with God. Questions to think about. Is it easy to remove ego with spouse or difficult? Whose responsibility? It
is yours or your spouses?

Swami says “Marriage means your life, a whole lifetime together, not just a few days or a few weeks, or few years”

Whole lifetime means the time together on the boat for mortals.

When can you end marriage?
Abuse – Not just physical but verbal too
Love for God -> Ultimate goal as expressed in Mira Story. Should be the only goal.

Swami says, “You are really loving yourself, for there is only you in everyone. He is I. Whoever you injure, it is you that suffer; whomsoever you cheat, it is you that are cheated. There are no others.
You are all living cells in the body of God. You are yourself God.”

Love is the foundation of a strong marriage. You cheat yourself when you cheat.

Swami tells us, “First you must understand each other, after that adjustment will be easy. Today 90% of people try adjustment first. This is the wrong way. First understanding. Sometimes, it is natural
for you to have anger, ego, temper, tension. You must have adjustment and understanding”

Try to understand – Talk about books, movies etc. Just started the discussion on this one. We will continue next time.

October 14th, 2018 :

Topic : Service Opportunities

Last week we have discussed several service opportunities during the study circle time. We have gone thru most of the regular service opportunities like Bread pickup, Sandwich service, Walnut Nursing home, ASH Birthday service and Tutoring service both at McBee and Allison and requested members to choose any of these opportunities where they would like to participate.

Details about the Disaster relief in Houston for Harvey victims has also been discussed with members expressing their interest in participating thru these opportunities.

Special presentation has been given to the new Service opportunity with Mobile Loves and Fishes. Details about the project, including what is planned and when we can start has all been discussed. Also, members were asked to signup to volunteer for this opportunity.

There was a detailed discussion about the Unity clinic of Texas progress that has been made and also how members could help with this opportunity. What services were planned to offer etc., has been discussed.

September 23rd, 2018 :
Moderator : Ketan Kharod

Topic : Sai Parenting

In last week's study circle, we continued our ongoing monthly series on "Sai Parenting."  Along with discussing highlights from Chapter 1 of "Sathya Sai Parenting," all the participants shared their insights and tips as to real-world parenting challenges (e.g., building a relationship of trust with children, fostering anger/patience management, etc.), with an eye to discussing best practices next month.

September 16th, 2018 :
Moderator : Madhav SBSS

Topic : All about Ganesh
  • What does Ganesha mean to you?
    • Ganesha meant good food and playfulness for some, for others he meant cleansing (Elephant takes only pure things from with its trunk and discards impure things), Ganesha also meant leaving all troubles at his feet and being free, like near Ganesha temple in Puttaparthi, that’s probably why Swami put the temple right at the entrance so devotees can leave all their problems there at his feet and go for Swami’s darsan
  • How many forms and names for Ganesha?
    • There are many names and many forms of Ganesha
    • Here are the Shodasa ganeshas (16 ganeshas) and 16 more
  • Ganesha and Health
    • Swami says we only offer Ganesha healthy food, not oil cooked or fried foot but only steamed food (Undrallu, Kudumulu, Modak). Steamed food is easier to assimilate and digest, oil or fried food causes stomach problems as they produce “jataragni”, causing acid reflux, high blood pressure and weakens the heart.
  • Second half of the study circle we played Ganesha Bhajan Un-Tyakshari
    • Teams: Ladies vs Gentlemen
    • Final Scores: Ladies 70 vs Gentlemen 105
    • The format was
    • A word is given to the team, the team has to sing the bhajan line that has that word in it, e.g. Sadguru, team has to sing “Sadguru Charanam Parama Pavanam Sathya Sai Nam Gajajanam”
    • We had 3 levels (simple, medium, hard) in this game and teams seem to have really enjoyed singing and thinking of many different forms and names of Ganesha

September 9th, 2018 :
Moderator : Srinivas Chilukuri

Topic : Recap of Regional Retreat 2018.

Last Sunday we discussed about the Karma theory that Dr Mohan spoke at the regional retreat 2018. We talked about Sanchita karma, prarabdha karma, kriyamanasa karma and Aagami karma. We also discussed how God is impartial to mans suffering or happiness. Also emphasis was made on Namasmarna (Constant rememberance of the GOD's name) which helps alleviating our suffering. Also, briefly the summary of what Neil Sharma shared with the group was discussed.

September 2nd, 2018 :
Moderator : Bindhu Sivakumar

Topic : Life is a game, Play it.

In last week's study circle we introspected on how Life is the greatest game and how we should play it well. We discussed two questions: 
1. What is our goal for playing this game of life? - We look for peace of mind, which can be attained by striving for a balance of emotions for pain and pleasure. We can attain it by Namasmarana. We seek good education, job, wealth status etc., but these are temporary. If others remember us as 'This person was very loving always', then we have achieved our goal.
2. What do we need to play the game of life? - We need good sportsmanship, great attitude, teamwork with all the players, acceptance that whatever God bestows is good for us, faith in God, have clear objectives, have detachment knowing that we have role to play and we have to play it according to the rules of the game guided by the human values laid to us and lastly patience and perseverance.

Finally we played a couple of games to understand how difficult it is to develop trust, but once when developed how easy it is to traverse situations and a game that conveys the art of communication and how to make it better for both the parties involved in the act of communication

August 19th, 2018 :
Video : Axay Kalathia

Topic : Everything you wanted to know about study circles but were afraid to ask webinar 2018.

The link to the Webinar can be obtained by clicking the link below...

August 12th, 2018 :
Moderator : Mahesh Mahadevan and Sreenivas Gangadhar

Topic : Go Green - Part V

On August 12th, the study circle started by Mahesh explaining the benefits of composting.  He then explained in detail about how to build the compost and what substances go in the compost etc., He has gone in detail showing about how he has done it. There was a discussion on what materials go inside the compost and how to build it.  
Following items could go in for compost --
Brown/Dry materials
Dry leaves/ Dry grass clippings, wood shavings or Sawdust, Rancid nuts and shells, Coffee grounds and filters, pine cones/Pine needles, shredded egg cartons, shredded newspaper and tissue paper, twigs, Hay, peanut shells crushed, cold wood ashes - not treated wood, dryer lint and shredded brown cereal boxes
Green/Wet materials
Fruit and veggie scraps from kitchen, spoilt fruit and veggies, pet hair, nails, human hair, tea bags/tea leaves, fresh green grass clippings and plate scrapings.

Further the method of mixing the compost, collecting at the end and feeding the plants with the obtained compost was discussed.

Also, the Recycle spreadsheet shown in August 5th was discussed and explained further by Brother Srinivas Gangadhar.

Later on a short video presentation of what Swami said on "Go Green" way back in 1993 speech was played for the benefit of devotees. This was the same video that was played during the inauguration of Go Green Conference at Prashanti Nilayam.

August 5th, 2018 :
Moderator : Sreenivas Gangadhar

Topic : Go Green - Part IV

Selfless service helps an individual at all the three levels physical, mental and spiritiual.
When we chant "samastha loka sukhino bhavanthu" and go-green exactly gives us the platform to practice. Go-green spiritually is nothing but Practicing our prayers. 

Some challenges that were raised during the discussion was 1. how effective is it if most of us don't do it; 2. Lot of rules and precautions before recycle; 3. Very little and scattered knowledge about recycle.

Following challenges were raised during the discussion:
1. If we do go green by taking care of our trash/recycle, how effective is it especially when our neighbors, friends and other business units don't do it.
2. With various set of rules, remembering them and practice is a huge task
3. Some may have very little knowledge about how and what to recycle

The information gathered from the officials of texas disposable system and other drop off centers in Austin was presented.
Solution was proposed in this study circle to re-cycle different materials in different ways. What can be recycled through our re-cycle bin was presented. Also major products like chip bags, plastic food bags and so on needs special recycling which will be done by either Austin recycle drop off center or terracycle. Chart Below will itemize what precautions need to be taken before recycling and also where it can be recycled.

Hopefully, we will find and practice the solution to recycle the majority of what we use.

July 29th, 2018 :
Moderator : Supriya Kharod

Topic : Connecting with Swami's divine songs

Last Sunday, we focused on the words of Swami's Divine songs - "Manasa Bhajore Guru Charanam" and "Love Is My Form" sung by Swami. The video recording of these songs were played and while these were playing, members were asked to think about how they connected to these songs. Many members shared their personal experiences of how intense prayers to God have helped them with life situations and how they try to practice Swami's message in their everyday lives. Many of these experiences by members were nostalgic and it was a very interesting special Guru Purnima Study circle. 

July 22nd, 2018 :
Moderator : Sreenivas Gangadhar

Topic : Go Green -- Part III

Discussion was mainly about how we should practice our prayers. When we chant "Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu" which means - "May All the beings in all the world's be happy" do we really mean it and practice it.

Go Green is applicable at all levels - Physical, Mental and Spiritual. Spirituality is the unity of thought word and deed and will reflect when we practice our prayers.

Several important and valid points was raised. Some of them are
1. Everyone is not knowledgeable about what to trash and what to recycle.
2. Every moment will be very challenging to be aware of it.
3. Is it really effective when we alone do it and most of the people we come across will not do it.

The solution was very simple. In the beginning we may not know universal prayers. But eventually we focus and will learn it.Similarly we always have to remember that everything we do is an offering to Swami

July 15th, 2018 :
Moderator : Gauri Patil

Topic : Energy is Divine

The Purpose of this study circle is to better understand what energy is, where does it come from and how we use it. It started with Swami's clarification on what energy is - "Very often, scientists refer to the two terms - matter and energy - but truly only energy exists. Whatever appears as matter also becomes energy in due course of time. None can describe the glory and grandeur if this transcendental power. Yatho vacho nivarthanthe apraapya manasa saha (this energy is beyond the comprehension of the mind and description by words). This transcends the powers of body, mind and intellect". GOD is the base for all the energies in the cosmos. The Vedhananthisns call this energy as Atheetha Shakthi (Transcendental Energy). Then we discussed on the three basic energies which exist in the univers - Physical (Sun), Mental (Om) and Spiritual (Creation) Energies. Also discussed on how to conserve each form of energies. The meaning of the Gayathri Mantra - "We meditate on that most adored Supreme Lord, the Creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illumines all realms (Physical, Mental and Spiritual). May this divine light illumine our intellect. 

Finally concluded that all forms of energy be it Physical, Mental or Spiritual derive its source from the Divine.

July 8th, 2018 :
Moderator : Swathi Chilukuri
Topic : Why Go Green

“Any use of the elements over and above legitimate bounds is a sacrilege. So too, each element must be used under some limitations, not as and how you like. Treat the elements as a vesture of the almighty.” - Sathya Sai Baba, 11 March 1978

We discussed how we can learn from nature. We should take time to spend time in the nature. We discusses how the plants, birds and animals teach us to take care of what we have and not to over consume.

“Nature is your school, your laboratory, the gateway to liberation, and the panorama of God’s majesty. Seek to know the lessons it is ready to teach.” - Sathya Sai Baba, October 4, 1970

We then discussed how going green (being environment friendly) is related to spirituality.

“The Universe is the body of God; every particle in it is filled with God, His Glory, His Might, His Inscrutability. Believe that God is the inner Truth in every thing and being. He is Truth, He is Wisdom. He is Eternal. Be humble, before the evidences of His Power and Majesty.” –Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 12 Ch. 34

July 1st, 2018 :
Video : RJ Ratnakar

On Sunday, July 1st, there was a video presentation of Brother RJ Ratnakar's visit to Malaysia. We can watch the same satsang using this link

June 17, 2018 :
Moderator : Swathi Chilukuri

Topic : Eid and Important of Fathers

Celebrated at the end of a month of fasting during Ramzan. Ramzan is celebrated since Allah presented Muhammad with the Quran during the time. Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. The others are faith, daily prayer, charity, and the Hajj: a pilgrimage to Mecca. Fasting is done to understand the discomfort and agony that the poor and underprivileged undergo.  

Importance of Fathers
Sanskrit sloka
Mathru devo bhava
Pithru devo bhava 
Aacharya devo bhava
Athithi devo bhava

According to Indian culture it is said, mother is god, father is god. One’s parents are the manifestations of divinity in a visible form. Our parents have given us this body; have cared for us by giving us food and also given us the ideals with which we have to lead our lives. Hence we must consider showing our gratitude to them as our first and foremost duty. Our body, our blood and everything in this human body, all the aspects and all the capacities are given to us as a gift by our parents. 
If you are unable to give satisfaction to your parents who have given you this sacred body, how will you be able to do good to the country? How will you be able to transform the society? How will you be able to look after the security of your country? You can think for yourself. When we are not in a position  to make our parents who live in the same house happy, how can we spread happiness across the country and the world?
The boys and girls of Bal Vikas should begin at their homes by showing respect for their parents, brothers, and sisters. This should be the first step. The second step is to respect those in the neighborhood. We should also respect those that come as guests into our homes. Gradually in this manner, we should be able to spread our care to the rest of the village, going on to the whole district, and eventually to the country as a whole. 
(Divine Discourse - 2 Mar 1974)
Please share what inspires you from what you have seen in fathers in your lives - your father, your father-in-law or someone else’s father
Swami - Am I not your father?
For Children: What that your father does for you, are you thankful for?

“God is the entity closest to man, dearest to man. Your mother and father might be a little afar but God is right with you, in you. Even if you do not love him, he will not depart from you or move afar.” SSS VOL XI Chap 34 P 223

May 27, 2018 :
Moderator : Mahesh Mahadevan

Topic : Five requisites to Love GOD 

During last week's study circle we continued discussion on the 5 requisites to Love GOD: 5Ds. The study circle started with a summary of what had been covered in earlier sessions. We then heard a discourse snippet where Bhagawan talked about Discrimination. 

This was followed by a discussion on the 5D's. Some of the points that came up:
1. When using our discrimination to decide on a course of action; we should choose the path that places Swami first i.e will this action please Him.
2. Are the 5 D's interconnected?
   a. Once the right choice is clear, we should have the Discipline and the Determination to follow that path
   b. After making our choice, we should have the Discipline of respectful interaction with others who maybe affected by our decisions.
3. We are fortunate to be learning about the 5D's from Bhagawan,
4. We should not impose our choices on others neither should we judge another person's decisions.

For more information, please see

May 13, 2018 :
Moderator : Padmanand Warrier

Topic : Reduce stress, live peacefully.
Brother Padmanand started the study circle on the topic "Reduce Stress, Live peacefully" by talking about different aspects of Ganesha and what they teach all of us like large ears to listen and hear other view points, eyes to focus etc.,  After that famous Dalai Lama quote " Man because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then sacrifices money to recuperate his health etc., was shown. The different perspectives of stress,work, time etc., was discussed. The distinction between what mind is and what heart is and how to reduce desires and be loving and compassionate would help as foundations for minimizing stress was discussed.
Also, there was discussion on not wasting time as it was most powerful and precious. Work is food for the mind, to shape a healthier me. Know fully well, the result will come of its own accord in inherent time. Focus only on doing the work in hand well, unconcerned with its result. Discussion moved on to having Self confidence and completing our work allotted to us. Finally, the 4 prescriptions - Vitamin A1 - Attitude, Vitamin A2 - Approach, Vitamin H - Heart and Vitamin W - Work were discussed.

May 6, 2018 :
Moderator : Madhav Bhagavatula

Topic : Easwaramma - The chosen mother.
The study circle started of with Madhav asking first to recollect our own mothers, their birth place, year and how they were when they were young. Later on the topic shifted to the chosen mother of Easwaramma and discussions continued regarding various aspects of her and how she helped shape the future of not only the Sai Organization in general but also how simplistic she was and yet devoted to Swami. Discussion also continued on her innocent devotion which made her the ideal devotee of Swami. Later on the there was discussion on the different projects that she initiated and nurtured. Also discussion concluded that she was the ultimate chosen mother by Swami. He made a good attempt to discuss various topics as a tribute to Easwaramma on this day of May 6th.

April 29, 2018 :
Moderator : Srinivas Chilukuri

Topic : Five requisites to Love GOD 

The topic for today is Discipline - We saw a video of Swami where Swami tells that discipline is very important in life. We should all follow the same routine everyday and that variations in routine are undesirable. Also Baba said Discipline means observing the limits in our conduct. .Every aspect of human body is governed by limit. Progress or well being cannot be achieved without discipline. Discipline will guide us how we should move around in various places.  Most of the members participated in the discussion that followed. One of the members said that following a discipline during meditation will make one realize the unity among all humans and shows the path to God

April 22, 2018 :
Moderator : Srinivas Chilukuri

Topic : Five requisites to Love GOD 

The study circle discussion started with recapturing the various messages shared by Dr. Ajay on April 21st Satsang. His catchy statement -- "If not me, who? and if not now, when?" should be our attitude when we think of doing service. He explained that even though divinity might be difficult to understand when we serve our fellow human beings the satisfaction that we get can explain it. He also urged to serve others in the same intensity as we try to help a person falling off from a table etc., 

Later on, we started discussing the first D of the 5 D's - Dedication. Swami said Dedicate your Ego and receive His grace. Discussion went around on steps of how to control our ego. Then there was a discussion about the reduction of population of believing in GOD. For the question of is it ok to serve others or sit in a monestry instead of believing in GOD, different suggestions like GOD himself, suggesting - Love All Serve All and the three dictims - "Sangha neeti (Orderliness in Society), Papa Bheeti (Fear of Sin) and Daiva Preethi (Love for GOD)" are the three essential steps in that order of progression. 

For more information, please see

April 15, 2018 :
Moderator : Swathi Chilukuri

Topic : Five requisites to Love GOD 

During this study circle we started discussion on the 5 requisites to Love GOD. We heard Bhagawan's discourse snippets where He talks about this. There are five requisites that Bhagawan gives us as virtues to be cultivated before we can develop love for God. These are the 5Ds - Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination and Determination.

For dedication, Bhagawan explains that the primary thing we need to dedicate to God is our ego, which stands as an obstacle between us and God. Bhagawan explains how meditation, worship or chanting of the name of God are merely sacred tasks and cannot be equated to devotion. Devotion according to Bhagawan, is expression of gratitude to God.

For more information, please see

April 08, 2018 :
Satsang with Dr. Joe Phaneuf

During study circle time, we had a Dr. Joe Phaneuf talk to all our members. He was very appreciative of the efforts of the Unity Clinic and said that this is the first clinic in US which has its own land. He inspired all to continue the good work. Then he talked about not looking at faults of others but rather concentrate on our own faults. He also quoted Mother Teresa where she said that how can we love others if we judge them? He urged us not to judge but Love others unconditionally. He also asked to celebrate this love by shaking hands with our neighbors and to see Swami in everyone. He sang a few songs and then explained the significance of Namasmarana (Constant chanting of the Lord's name). He shared couple of personal experiences with Swami regarding Namasmarana. He concluded the session by singing "My Heart is beating Sai Ram Sai Ram"..

April 01, 2018 :
Moderator : Ketan Kharod

Topic : Loving Communications - II

In last week’s study circle, we continued our group discussion on “Loving Communication.”  In particular, we focused on identifying personal strengths and challenges in our own communication skills, discussed tips on how to communicate effectively in stressful situations, and remembering to T.H.I.N.K. before we speak.  The life application for the week was to practice “THINK” (i.e., ask yourself before speaking, is it True? Hurtful? Improving on the silence? Necessary? Kind?) — we’ll share our observations and experiences next week.

March 25th, 2018 :
Moderator : Shiva Prasad

Topic : Loving Communications.

We each have a unique role to play in this life. The way we communicate with others determine how successful we are in this role and is also a good way to measure our spiritual progress or spiritual growth. Hence the need for Loving Communication. We started off the discussion on Loving Communications with three mechanisms of Loving communication using "Actions", "Smile" and "Silence/Moderation of Speech". Discussed different aspects of these three modes of communication used by Swami and others. Lot of emphasis was given on how to practice these teachings. Then we started talking about conflict resolutions, remembering Swami's two fold picture where we said that Advaita in practice. Treat all as Swami's and yourself too as Swami. The difficulty is when the other Swami is behaving badly. At that time, you remain the good Swami". Quickly went thru anger management techniques as prescribed by Swami. Discussed about First Understanding, then Adjustment and in terms of building a Positive account in Relationships. Think before we talk or send emails etc., Quickly browsed thru on - 1. Lead with Positives, 2. Avoid "BUT" and 3. Use "AND" as part of loving communications.

March 18th, 2018 :
Moderator : Ms Kiranmayi Gangadhar

Topic : Learnings and experiences sharing from SSILP 2017 for YA's with all members - Part 2.

As part of the study circle on SSILP for YAs we focused more on "Team Dynamics". During the discussion  many shared their views on working in teams. Few of them were, every family is a team and every member of the family is a team player. The other view was even if an individual doesn't work in teams professionally, but he/she is a team consisting of his/her own senses, body, mind, intellect and conscience(Swamy/God/indweller). Whatever we do if it is not in sync with our conscience then the end result will be futile. So, it is really important to have Swamy as our team player(Leader). Later, all the attendees were asked to work in teams of 4 on the "Go Green" - brain storming.

Objectives were
1. How “Ceiling on desires” relates to “Go Green” ?

2. How can we contribute to the “Go Green” initiative? Share your ideas.

Every team has come up with some wonderful ideas on conserving energy, time, money and resources. Later, member were given information on various international young adult subcommittees. More information about this can be found on the following links

March 11th, 2018 :
Moderator : Ms Kiranmayi Gangadhar

Topic : Learnings and experiences sharing from SSILP 2017 for YA's with all members.

Last week's study circle is based on Sathya Sai International Leadership Program for Young Adults(SSILP for YAs). Sister Kiranmayi who was a graduate of this program in 2017 moderated the discussion. During the session she shared some of the interesting highlights of the 3-day residential course held  in Prashanthi Nilayam. We discussed the qualities of a leader through some inspiring stories of Abebe Bikila, an Ethiopian, who won 1960 Olympics barefoot and Dr.Sathish Dhawan, an Indian, former director of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). We had some interesting activities related to "loving and effective communication" and "making Swamy as our team player". Next week, we will have few more details of this unique program.

February 25th, 2018 :
Moderator : Mr. Ketan Kharod

Topic : Sai Parenting

Last week’s study circle continued on the theme of “Sai Parenting.”  We started by reviewing some of the discussion points from the week before, including a reflection on whether the parenting choices we make are consistent with the goals we have in mind for long-term character traits we’d like our children to develop.  We also discussed the importance of reflecting those values/traits ourselves, i.e., teaching by example.  Finally, we had a good interactive activity and discussion on the topic of learning about our child’s interests (books, shows, music, games, etc.), and finding opportunities to show that Swami’s message can also be found in these examples as well.

February 18th, 2018 :

Video : Dr. Art-Ong Jumsai at Vancouver, Canada
Topic : Path towards Peace

Last week on February 18th, we had a video presentation of speech given at Vancouver Canada by Dr. Art-Ong Jumsai in 1998. This is the second video from this link. Part II.

Dr. Art-Ong Jumsai Videos Link

February 11th, 2018 :
Moderator : Mr. Ketan Kharod
Topic : Sai Parenting

In last week’s study circle, we continued the group discussion on “Sai Parenting” by identifying what long-term character traits parents keep as goals for our children (e.g., compassion, kindness, closeness with God, self-confidence, etc.).  We also took some time to learn about each other and our own backgrounds, as well as our parenting role models (if applicable) — this information will be helpful for future Parenting-themed discussions.  Finally, we touched on communication with children, focusing first on understanding/learning about what our child’s interests are (e.g., reading, tv shows, music, games, etc.).

February 4th, 2018 :
Video : Robert and Rita Bruce visit to Malysia
Topic : Sathya Sai Parenting

There was a video presentation of Robert and Rita Bruce's visit to Malaysia and a talk given by them on Sathya Sai Parenting. Here is the link and full copy of the video...

January 28th, 2018 :
Moderator : Dr. Shaili Singh
Topic : Sai Parenting discipline

The study circle outlined the main duties that a parent has towards their child's physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual development focusing primarily on the discipline aspect of their spiritual development and how that intermingles  with all other aspects of their care. 
The 2 main take away points from the talk and the discussed questions were:
1. They are not OUR kids, they are SWAMI'S kids - we are merely their caretakers. So we owe it to Swami to take good care of their spiritual development. 
2. Do not be afraid of failure - neither ours nor our childrens'. One learns from failure, not success.

Please click here for the whole presentation

January 21st, 2018 :
Moderator : Kiranmayi Gangadhar
Topic : Go Green efforts and BYO - 'Bring Your Own' concept

Major concerns that affects our planet were discussed. We always blame industries but forget that industries are run by and for humans. The video shown was really informative as it explained the actual carbon footprint for everything that we use in our daily life.

Given the environment concerns one has to do their part. The best is the source reduction where one has to be conscious about the environment right from the time we think of buying something. The other best option is to reuse as much as possible.

BYO (bring-your-own) is the initiative taken-up by "Sai sisters" to practice "reuse" not only at family level but also at the center level. As part of this initiative, for every satsang, we need to bring our own cutlery and plates. It is also urged NOT to buy any new cutlery as this will again add to the carbon foot print. Until this is put to 100% practice, please feel free (if possible) to bring extra plate/spoon for others to use.

How BYO works?
1. BYO kit consists of a washable bag, spoon/fork, bowl, glass/water bottle, and a napkin.
2. It is completely fine if you would like to carry a pyrex box or plastic box in place of plate.
3. After using them few volunteers will help you to collect leftovers in a compostable bag.
4. Carry your BYO kit back home and clean.
5. Have your BYO kit with you for any SAI Events
6. If you would like to carry out some food please also bring one or two containers to pack some food home. Let’s avoid using ziplocs.

1. Carbon foot print video shared during study circle taken fro wikipedia

2. USA Environmental Protection Agency
3. Guidelines from government (city of Austin, Texas)
4. Natural Calamities – Who’s Responsible, A Panel Discussion on Radio Sai

January 14th, 2018  :
Moderator : Prashant Naidu
Topic : Surrender
What exactly is surrender? To give yourself entirely, unconditionally and absolutely to God is surrender. To attain that state, you should first develop friendship with God. 
In Bhagwad Gita,  Arjuna
developed the requisite attitude for the reception and retention of the Message only then Krishna gave the gospel of Gita.
"surrender (saranagati), one-pointedness (ekagrata), and the
sacrifice of worldly desires (vairagya)." 
There were many examples discussed, notably one set of foot prints on sands; our objective of surrender needs to be all the time. When a praise or appreciation is done for the work accomplished we need to grateful to Swami to helping us out. 

Prof Anil Kumar once asked, "Swami, if my body is full of doubts that can never be clarified, what am I to do? What is my fate? What is my destiny?" Destiny in Sanskrit is called gathi. I said, "Swami, what is my gathi, what is my destiny, what is my fate? If I'm full of doubts that cannot be clarified, what am I to do?" Then Bhagavan said,  "Sharanagathi is the solution." (Laughter) Sharanagathi means, surrender. "You surrender to Me. Sharanagathi, that is your gathi. That is your destiny." 

January 7th 2018: 
In last weeks study circle, we listened to a talk by Dr.Jose Gomez on the topic: Commitment to a Spiritual life. The talk started by defining Commitment and Spirituality. Commitment is a promise to be loyal to someone (Swami) or to something (His teachings). Swami said " Spirituality is not mere worship, japa or dhyaana. These may be good activities but they don't constitute spirituality. The driving away of animal qualities and proceeding from the human to the divine is real spirituality." SSS Vol 26. 
Below are 11 commitments Dr.Gomez listed on how to remove animal traits and become more spirtual:
1. DETACHMENT: The first commitment we need to make to remove animal traits is detachment or withdrawal. It consists of changing your focus from the external to the internal world. 
2. ATTITUDE: Commit to maintain a positive attitude. How to do it: 
 - Past: No regrets 
 - Present: Mindfulness meditation 
 - Future: Optimism.
3.HUMOR: Commit to cultivate good sense of humor. Swami has said that spiritually advanced people has a good sense of humor. 
4. FAITH: Commit to have faith in God: Learn about the lives and miracles of God. Before it was by oral transmission;  now with technological advances we have this opportunity available via Radio Sai and other resources. How often do you read, or listen to his words & stories.
5. SERVICE: Commit to help and serve others. Do your duties and do it well
6. LANGUAGE: Commit to change the way you talk. The 9 Points of the Code of Conduct states:
 - 7th: “Talk softly and lovingly to everyone”
 - 8th: “Don’t talk ill of others, especially in their absence” – Gossiping!
7. FAMILY LIFE: Commit to be the best father or mother, husband or wife. Commit to spend more time with your children. 
8. SOLITUDE: Commit to look for times of solitude and to practice meditation.  Block time: Every day to practice meditation at the same time and place.Best meditation: Jyoti meditation.   
9. MUSIC: Commit to nurture yourself by listening to bhajans or relaxing music.
10. BOOKS: Commit to read inspirational literature. Not only Swami’s books, but any religious book like Bible, Vedas, Koran, etc.
11. GRATITUDE: Commit to practice gratitude. 
  - Exercise: Write every night, before going to bed, at least 3 things to be grateful for that happen on that day.  It can be small or ordinary things. After one week review the entire week.  

Pick 2-3 commitments and practice it for 28 days. It then would become a habit and become a part of your daily routine.

2. DON’T COMPARE!: Spiritual growth is relative to each person. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t compare other Sai members among themselves.
3. I’LL LEAVE THE GROUP!: “The Sai groups doesn't encourage me to be more spiritual. I can do it by myself. Alone Vs. Group: Alone no challenges and no growth.

Below is a link to the audio recording of the talk: 

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